In Semarang, Sunan Pandanaran lived in the Pragota area, or the area currently known as Bergota in Randusari Village, South Semarang. The latter area, in the following period, turned into the largest tomb complex in Semarang City. Several great figures of Semarang City are buried in this complex. Two of them that can be mentioned are Syaikh Soleh Darat, the great teacher of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari (founder of Nahdlatul Ulama) and K.H. Ahmad Dahlan (founder of Muhammadiyah). Bergota (or Pragota) used to be the old city area of Semarang due to the sedimentation process. The area that was later known as Semarang, was given by the ruler of the Demak Kingdom, Raden Patah to Sunan Pandanaran I (Interview with Suwarno, Sunan Pandanaran I Tomb Guard Officer, June 17, 2019).
Sunan Pandanaran I had many titles, namely Ki Ageng Pandanaran, Maulana Islam, and Sunan Semarang. This figure is often confused with another figure who uses the same title, namely Sunan Pandanaran II or also known as Sunan Bayat or Sunan Tembayat in Klaten, Central Java. However, a search for sources concluded that these two figures were different figures and were father and son. There are several versions regarding the lineage of Sunan Pandanaran I. Another version states that Sunan Pandanaran I was the son of Pati Unus (Raden Muhammad Yunus) or Prince Sabrang Lor. Pati Unus, in fact, had the right to become the Sultan of Demak replacing his father, Raden Patah. However, he chose to leave the world of politics and pursue religion.
In addition to the two versions above, there is also a version that states that the relationship between Sunan Pandanaran I and Pati Unus was an adopted child with an adopted father. Pati Unus adopted Sunan Pandanaran I as his son, because Sunan Pandanaran I's mother, Syarifah Pasai was the younger sister of Pati Unus. Syarifah Pasai, ibunda dari Sunan Pandanaran I, juga dimakamkan di kompleks Makam Mugas, berdampingan dengan Syaikh Maulana, sahabat Sunan Pandanaran I. Mengenai nasab Sunan Pandanaran I menurut versi pertama adalah sebagai berikut: Sunan Pandanaran I (Sayid Abdul Qadir) bin Maulana Ishaq bin Ibrahim Zainuddin Al-Akbar bin Jamaluddin Al-Husain bin Ahmad Jalaluddin bin Abdillah Azmatkhan bin Alwi Ammil Faqih bin Muhammad Shahib Mirbath bin Ali Khali’Qasam bin Alwi At-Tsani bin Muhammad Sohibus Saumi’ah bin Alwi Awwal bin Ubaidillah bin Ahmad Al-Muhajir bin Isa Naqib Ar-Rumi bin Muhammad An-Naqib bin Ali Al-Uraidhi bin Ja’far As-Shodiq bin Muhammad Al-Baqir bin Ali Zainal Abidin bin Sayyidina Husain bin Sayyidah Fatimatus Zahra binti Rasulullah Saw.