Sheikh Siti Jenar's real name is Raden Abdul Jalil. There are also those who call him Sheikh Hasan Ali, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. He is a figure who is considered a Sufi, and one of the saints who spread Islam in Java, especially in the Jepara region. The origin and cause of Sheikh Siti Jenar's death are not known with certainty because there are many conflicting versions about him and the end of his life. Likewise, there are various versions of the location of the grave where he was buried for the last time. Apart from the Mantingan complex, there are also various places at the grave of Sheikh Abdul Jalil (Shaikh Siti Jenar), such as in Lemah Abang Village, Keling Jepara District. Places believed to be his grave were also found at several points in West Java, such as Garut and Cirebon.
Sheikh Siti Jenar or Sheikh Abdul Jalil is known for his teachings, Manunggaling Kawula Gusti (an interpretation of wahdatul wujud). This teaching is not a new teaching in the Islamic world. Hulul, another name for this teaching, was first taught by Al-Hallaj, a wali from Persia which ended in his death. This teaching spread from Persia, to India, and finally, to the Nusantara. In Java, this teaching was pioneered by Syaikh Siti Jenar and therefore, he was considered a heretic by the Guardians. While others considered him an intellectual who had acquired the essence of Islam. It is no wonder that there are quite a few followers of Syaikh Siti Jenar, among them are Ki Ageng Kebo Kenanga in Pengging, Sunan Panggung, and Ki Amongraga (Rahimsyah, 2006; See also Zoetmulder, 1990). His teachings are contained in his literary works which contain morals. Syekh Siti Jenar developed the teachings of the Sufi way of life which were considered to be in conflict with the teachings of the Walisongo. Therefore, Syekh Siti Jenar, who was originally entered the ranks of Walisongo, received opposition from within themselves. The point of contention lies in the emphasis on the formal aspects of sharia provisions carried out by the Walisongo. In the session of the guardians led by Sunan Kalijaga and Sunan Kudus, Syekh Siti Jenar was sentenced to death.
Different from the tombs of other guardians, the tomb of Syekh Siti Jenar which is in the Mantingan Jepara complex, located inside a wall without a roof, all of his tombstones are covered with green cloth. Although he is a controversial figure, he still has a place in the hearts of the people of Jepara. For some people, the essence of Islam is indeed one with God. It is no wonder that in later times, Syaikh Abdul Jalil or Syaikh Siti Jenar received a new title, namely Sunan Jepara. Although many people believe that the figure of Syaikh Siti Jenar really existed, his grave does not really exist. Some people believe that the grave that exists is just a marker (existence marker). It is said that after he died due to being sentenced to death by the guardians, the body of Sheikh Siti Jenar was buried in the Demak Mosque cemetery complex.