In the Sunan Bonang shrine, there is a prayer room with a room filled with large stones that are usually used as prayer mats (sajadah) and a place to read (shalawat) which is believed to have originated from the command of the Prophet Khidir. In addition, there is also the Tomb of Princess Cempa. Princess Cempa was the fifth queen of Brawijaya V who later gave birth to Raden Fatah, Sultan of Demak I. She had various names, namely Dewi Indrawati or Dewi Kianwei. This last name reminds us of the origin of the princess, namely Campa. Although her husband, namely Brawijaya V, was still Hindu, the princess embraced Islam. It is not surprising that as the mother of a Sultan, she was also known to have helped preach Islam, until she was buried in Rembang. The same name and tomb will also be found in the old cemetery complex in Trowulan, Mojokerto. Princess Campa in Trowulan is also believed to be the mother of Sultan Demak I, Raden Fatah.