In 1632, Sultan Agung ordered the construction of a new tomb located south of Girilaya, namely Mount Merak. This tomb was named Pajimatan Imogiri. The name Pajimatan Imogiri comes from two words, namely Pajimatan and Imogiri. Pajimatan comes from the word talisman with the prefix pe- and the suffix -an, which means a place for talismans or amulets (Prawiroatmojo, 1981: 188), while Imogiri comes from the word ima or hima which means cloudy and giri which means mountain. From Imogiri means cloudy mountain or high mountain (Zoetmulder, 2011). Thus, Pajimatan Imogiri can be interpreted as a cloudy mountain or high mountain where heirlooms or royal amulets are enshrined. Sultan Agung as the first figure buried in 1646 became the ancestor and heirloom for the Mataram Kingdom dynasty. After Sultan Agung, other princes, nobles, and royal families were also buried in this place.
The Imogiri Pajimatan Complex is divided into several complexes, as follows: 1) the tomb complex of Sultan Agungan, 2) the Pakubuwanan tomb complex, 3) the tomb complex of the Kasunanan Surakarta on the West side (including Bagusan, Kapingsangan, and Girimulya), 4) the tomb complex of the Yogyakarta Sultanate on the East side (including Kasuwargan, Besiyaran, and Saptarengga) (KRT. Mandyakusuma in Hadiyanta, 2017: 151).