In addition to Sunan Bonang and Syaikh Jumadil Kubra, Syaikh Maulana Maghribi is a figure whose tomb is spread in many places. In addition to Wonobodro, the tomb of Syaikh Maulana Maghribi is also found in Gresik; in Ujungnegoro, Tulis, Batang; Karanganyar; Boyolali; and Parangtriris, Yogyakarta. His figure is also always confused with Syaikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Ibrahim As-Samarqandi. According to Sunyoto (2012: 64), Syaikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim and Syaikh Maulana Maghribi are two different figures. Although his figure is shrouded in mystery, the majority of versions acknowledge that Syaikh Maulana Maghribi was a generation of wali, a spreader of Islam in Java before the Walisongo era. The name Maghribi is always associated with the Arabic term for the Moroccan region. This name also has an indication of the name of someone who comes from outside (foreign scholars), which is generally also used to refer to sayids from Hadramaut.
Sheikh Maulana Maghribi was one of the first generation of Islamic preachers. He was present in the archipelago long before the Walisongo preached Islam systematically and structured. From his name, it is believed that he came from the Maghrib region, or Morocco in the North African continent. He was part of the 1st Generation (1404-1435 AD), the saints consisting of Maulana Malik Ibrahim (died 1419), Maulana Ishaq, Maulana Ahmad Jumadil Kubra, Maulana Muhammad Al-Maghrabi, Maulana Malik Isra'il (died 1435), Maulana Muhammad Ali Akbar (died 1435), Maulana Hasanuddin, Maulana 'Aliyuddin, and Sheikh Subakir or also called Sheikh Muhammad Al-Baqir. In the archipelago there are many tombs that are considered to be the tombs of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi, including in Cirebon, in Parangtritis Yogyakarta, in Wonobodro and Ujungnegoro in Batang, in Pantaran Boyolali, in Bayat Klaten, in Pekalongan in Tuban, and in Gresik.
Speculations began to emerge regarding this figure. First, the opinion that Sheikh Maulana Maghribi was actually the same person. Because the community so honored and remembered Sheikh Maulana Maghribi, the hermitages he passed were marked, in the form of monuments or buildings or tombstones. Second, Sheikh Maulana Maghribi was the name of a group of preachers (team), and therefore more than one. This version argues that there was not only one person who came from the Maghrib or Morocco who preached Islam to Java and the archipelago in general. This version also provides the possibility that the group of scholars from the Maghrib country were in the same age range, or his teachers and students, or people from the following generation. Based on information from the caretaker, Sheikh Maulana Maghribi was buried in Wonobodro, approximately 600 years ago. This is based on estimates of the age of a large tree around the grave. The tree is called the Jlamprang Tree, which is usually used as a sign (tetenger). The appearance of the veins on the wood and its prominent lines, through the circles of the wood layers, can be predicted that the tree is estimated to be 600 years old (Interview with Mukhlisin, Caretaker of the Wonobodro Tomb, June 16, 2019).
Regarding the name of Syaikh Subakir as one of the first generation of guardians of the land of Java, it was also found in this tomb complex. His tomb is near the tomb of Ki Ageng Pekalongan. Syaikh Subakir or Syaikh Muhammad Al-Baqir is a great scholar from Persia. His full name is Sayid Samsudin Muhammad Al-Baqir Al-Farsi. Together with Syaikh Jumadil Kubra, he became a scholar tasked with conquering the spirits of the land of Java who hindered the preaching of Islam in Java. The most famous version of the figure of Syaikh Subakir is the figure responsible for carrying out the installation of Javanese land sacrifices along with 20,000 people. His followers were people from Keling. At that time, Sheikh Subakir went straight to Mount Tidar in Magelang. This is because Mount Tidar is the punjer (center) of the land of Java (Zamroji, 1987: 17).
Together with Sheikh Jumadil Kubra, Sheikh Subakir urged Hindu followers from the Bairawa Tantra sect which was famous for its magical powers. This sect was believed to be the strongest sect in Java. By Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih from Turkey, Sheikh Subakir was sent to face this sect, until the Bairawa troops who were famous for their magical powers ran in disarray. Expelled from Tidar, they ran east to Banyuwangi and were received by the leaders of Bairawa Tantra, Prabu Menak Sembuyu and Bajul Semoro. The pursuit in eastern Java was continued by Sheikh Maulana Ishaq and Sheikh Ibrahim As-Samarqandy. Defeated by Sheikh Maulana Ishaq, Prabu Menak Sembuyu handed over his daughter, Dewi Sekardadu who later became the wife of Sheikh Maulana Ishaq. From this marriage, Sunan Giri was born, while from Syaikh Ibrahim As-Samarqandy Sunan Ampel was born. After both of them grew older, the task of "cleansing" was continued by Sunan Bonang. The latter figure is said to have no descendants because he was single until the end of his life.