Kiai Saleh Darat is Muhammad Saleh bin Umar. His father, Kiai Umar, was a warrior and a confidant of Prince Diponegoro for the northern part of Java, especially Semarang, in addition to Kiai Syada' and Kiai Murtadlo (Masyhuri, 2008: 66). Muhammad Saleh was born around 1820 (Ulum, 2016: 36). Regarding his place of birth, there are three versions. The first version states that he was born in Kedung Jumbleng Village, Mayong District, Jepara (H.S. and El-Seha, 2004: 137). The second version states that he was born in Bangsri Village, Jepara (Masyhuri, 2008: 66), while the third version, based on the book Tafsir al-Faidh al-Rahman f? Tarjamah Kal?m M?lik al-Dayyan states that he was born in Semarang (Al-Samarani, 1311 H.: 2).


Figure 20. Gate of Kiai Saleh Darat's tomb

(Source: Research Team Documentation, 2024)


As a child born into a santri family, Muhammad Saleh's teenage years were filled with studying with several kiai in Java, such as Kiai Syahid in Margoyoso Pati, Kiai Raden Haji Muhammad Saleh bin Asnawi in Kudus, Kiai Ishaq Damaran in Semarang, Kiai Ahmad Nur Sepaton in Semarang, Sheikh Ahmad Bafaqih Ba'alawi in Semarang, and Sheikh Abdul Ghani from Bima when he was in Semarang (Al-Samarani, 1317 H: 274-277). After studying with several scholars in Java, he followed his father to Mecca. In Mecca, he studied with several figures, such as Sheikh Zaini Dahlan who made him an important node in the Javanese-Haramain ulama network, especially in the Syafii school of thought (Masyhuri, 2008: 71). After finishing studying and teaching in Mecca, he returned to Java. His return was at the insistence of Kiai Hadi from Girikusumo, the founder of the Ki Ageng Girikusumo Mranggen Demak Islamic Boarding School, who felt that Kiai Muhammad Saleh's potential should be utilized for Islamic teaching in Java (Masyhuri, 2008: 73). After returning to Java, he married and took care of a pesantren in the Darat area, Semarang in 1870. From the name Kampung Darat, the name "darat" was attached behind his name. The Kampung Darat area refers to a village in Semarang called Dipah Darat which is currently located on Jalan Kakap Darat Tirto 212, Dadapsari Village, North Semarang District, Semarang City (see Dzahir, 2012: 5). 


Figure 21. Saleh Darat Mosque on Jalan Kakap Darat 212, Dadapsari, Semarang

(Source: Research Team Documentation, 2024)

Kiai Saleh Darat is a cleric who is productive in writing books. At least, there are 14 titles of books that he wrote in three disciplines, namely tauhid (theology), fiqh (Islamic law), and tasawuf (Sufism). One of the monumental ones is a work of interpretation of the Qur'an entitled Tafsir Faidh al-Rahman f? Tarjamah Tafsir Kalam al-M?lik al-Dayy?n (book of interpretation of the Qur'an) (Al-Samarani, 1311 H). He wrote this interpretation and presented it as a wedding gift for his student, R.A. Kartini. The interpretation by Kiai Saleh Darat became the first interpretation of the Qur'an in Javanese and became a model for similar interpretations in subsequent periods (Hakim, 2016: 176). In addition to R.A. Kartini, Kiai Saleh Darat was a teacher of several Islamic scholars in Java, including two important figures, namely Kiai Hasyim Asy'ari from Jombang who founded Nahdlatul Ulama and Kiai Ahmad Dahlan from Yogyakarta who founded Muhammadiyah. Several other students of Kiai Saleh Darat also founded Islamic boarding schools and opened Islamic teachings, such as Kiai Sahli from Kauman Semarang, Kiai Dahlan from Watucongol Magelang, Kiai Dimyati from Termas Pacitan, Kiai Khalil from Rembang, Kiai Munawir from Krapyak Yogyakarta, and Kiai Tafsir Anom, the head of the Surakarta Palace (Masyhuri, 2008: 77-78). Kiai Saleh Darat died on December 18, 1903 at the age of 83 and was buried in the Bergota cemetery complex, Semarang. His grave is one of the pilgrimage destinations for Muslims not only from Semarang, but also from outside Semarang. Even though he died during Ramadhan, according to the agreement of the family and figures in Semarang, the haul (death anniversary ceremony) of Kiai Saleh Darat is held every 10th of Syawal and has become a routine event on the city of Semarang (Ulum, 2016: 48-57).


Figure 22. The Tomb of Kiai Saleh Darat in the Bergota Cemetery Complex

(Source: Research Team Documentation, 2024)



Figure 23. The magnificent Pendopo of the Tomb of Kiai Saleh Darat

(Source: Research Team Documentation, 2024)