Ina Priyono was found through the owners, Ratna Dinawati, love on designing clothes At the beginning, Ina Priyono only focused on batik. Since 2010, Ina Priyono started to focuses on producing robe and tunic Its best seller accessories are hijab and knit bandana For fashion show collections, Ina Priyono always makes clothes that have a modest or syari look and are not tight on the body Also, to meet market demand, Ina Priyono also produces clothes that are more flexible and follow the trends. Using fancy cotton, Nazwa Gamis of Ina Priyono has simple yet elegant cutting Ina Priyono also provides a best selling outerwear made of tulle and lurik combination named Outer Kirana Black


  • Address: Jl Sriwijaya No 7-8 Ruko 8G, Kel. Tegalsari, Kec. Candisari, Kota Semarang, Prov. Jawa Tengah
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  • City: Kota Semarang
  • HP : 081325555339
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