Since its establishment in 2011, Perada Batik has consistently produced traditional batik Of course by balancing the development of the World Fashion trend So that Perada Batiks work is not uprooted from the cultural roots of Indonesian traditional batik art However, it will also be able to compete in the midst of the development of the World Fashion trend. We produce batik cloth with a touch of classic motifs that you can explore into fashionable designs with more expressive colors but supple, elegant and with character


  • Address: Perumahan Limas Raya Blok AC, Jl Limas Raya No 15, Kel. Krapyak Kidul, Kec. Pekalongan Utara, Kota Pekalongan, Prov. Jawa Tengah
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  • City: Kota Pekalongan
  • HP : 08122777720
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