Our company is a manufacturer of rustic furniture and crafts made from teak wood based on Klaten, Jawa Tengah Some are made from combining the teak wood and leather and others are created from teak waste A few of our notable products are gazebo and divider that we built using the teak wood waste from fuel and also dining chairs that are made from teak wood and leather. Our products are loved because of its quality and beauty, and have been exported to Greece, Singapore, Europe, and Australia


  • Address: Kelurahan Macanan RT 02/RW 01, Desa Karanganom, Kec. Klaten utara, Kab. Klaten, Prov. Jawa Tengah
  • Email: trisnaklaten@gmail.com
  • Gmaps: Visit
  • City: Klaten
  • HP : 081226267489
  • Sosmed: Instagram Facebook