SakaTela is a product produced by Cemal Cemilku in the form of Cassava Chips These chips are made from selected ingredients so that they produce soft, savory and crunchy chips It has a variety of unique flavors that can be enjoyed by all ages and with practical and hygienic packaging so it can be used as souvenirs. SakaTela offers four flavours of cassava chips, for instance original, barbeque,seaweed and balado


  • Address: Jl Logawa Rt04 Rw02, Desa Pangebatan, Kec. Karanglewas, Kab. Banyumas, Prov. Jawa Tengah
  • Email: cemalmilku@gmail.com
  • Gmaps: Visit
  • City: Banyumas
  • HP : 082221183888
  • Sosmed: Instagram Facebook