Markonah is a local Brand from Salatiga, Central Java, specializing in making Digital Printing Fashion All the designs are hand-drawn originally based on Javanese Culture and Humanities which are presented into a modern style Markonah represents Javanese Millennial Ladies who love their culture and have a strong nationalism of Indonesia Through a modern design and style with the finest tailoring and high-quality materials, we bring Javanese culture to interest millennials nowadays and remind them of how beautiful Indonesian culture is In the future, Markonah wants to be an icon of Indonesian Fashion Brand which brings Indonesian culture to the world as a Global Fashion Trend


  • Address: Jl Pemotongan No 93, Kel. Salatiga, Kec. Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Prov. Jawa Tengah
  • Email: halo@houseofmarkonahcom
  • Gmaps: Visit
  • City: Kota Salatiga
  • HP : 085726663315
  • Sosmed: Instagram Facebook