Kopsen Citra Kinaraya
Mlatiharjo Rice is a product of the Citra Kinaraya Producer Cooperative which was established in 2012 (first established as Citra Kinaraya Multipurpose Cooperative), which is engaged in the production of special rice (Custom) obtained from the latest rice breeding results Most of the rice seeds come from their own breeding results and some from the ministry of agriculture center With superior characteristics in rice quality, both in terms of flavor, nutritional content, aroma and appearance. With modern, quality infrastructure and rice factories, product continuity is maintained throughout the year Our rice products have several characters, namely Japonica (Japanese) rice and functional rice (Red and Black). As of November 2021, there are 526 CKR members from 7 districts in Central Java (Demak, Sragen, Purworejo, Purwokerto, Purbalingga, Kudus, Semarang) who manage ? 550 hectares of rice fields The current production capacity is 150 tons of special rice per month