Kauna Kalheri / Kinanthi

Kauna Kalheri is a company engaged in processing coffee beans into ready-to-consume products We use Arabica and Robusta coffee beans from Temanggung, Central Java, which have their own distinctive flavors. Geographical conditions and tobacco plants grown intercropped with coffee plants produce a distinctive taste and aroma for drinkers that is not found in other coffee products

Kauna Kalheri / Kinanthi Details

  • Address: Komplek Ruko Kopi kinanthi, Jl Tentara Genie Pelajar, Kel. Madureso, Kec. Temanggung, Kab. Temangung, Prov. Jawa Tengah
  • Email: kinanthitemanggung@gmail.com
  • Gmaps: Visit
  • City: Temanggung
  • HP : 085224030555
  • Sosmed: Instagram Facebook