CV Merah Putih / Soklat Inyong

Who doesnt know chocolate? This food made from cocoa beans is very popular in Indonesia Various foods also use chocolate as a flavor enhancer such as cakes, puddings, various drinks, and many more In addition to its delicious and sweet taste, it turns out that chocolate can improve mood or reduce stress levels Consuming chocolate can reduce the cortisol hormone produced by the body when it is stressed and can produce more endorphin and serotonin hormones to increase happiness. Who would have thought that Banyumas Regency also produces its own specialty chocolate This chocolate can also be used as a souvenir besides fried getuk and tempe mendoaan, called Soklat Inyong The name is very Banyumas, isnt it? Soklat means chocolate and Inyong means me. When looking at Soklat Inyong, we will see a picture of Bawor on the front of the packaging Bawor is one of the Banyumas puppet characters who is patient, honest, brave, generous, diligent, and friendly Bawor is a member of the Banyumas community So its no wonder that this Banyumas-produced chocolate has the Bawor symbol The packaging is beautiful and simple Made of brown paper, it is designed to be simple and pleasing to the eye Soklat Inyong is made from selected ingredients For the size of the chocolate, it is not too sweet so it doesnt taste bad when you eat a lot of it The flavors also vary, with original, cashew, almond, milk and cinnamon. How about the price? Relax, the price of this chocolate is affordable There is a small size (27 gr) and a large size (48 gr)

CV Merah Putih / Soklat Inyong Details

  • Address: Jl Ahmad Yani no 47, Kel. Purwanegara, Kec. Purwokerto Utara, Kab. Banyumas, Prov. Jawa Tengah
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  • City: Purwokerto
  • HP : 085814550063
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