PT Sinergi Brebes Inovatif

PT Sinergi Brebes Inovatif is a company owned and managed by a farmer group with a focus on producing processed shallot in the form of Shallot Paste and Fried Onions. Established in 2017 at the initiation of the President of Indonesia through the Bank of Indonesia Social Program, we then produced (Ulegan Bawang) Shallot Paste and (Dapur Rasa) Fried Onions to provide added value on the selling value of Shallots made by farmers

PT Sinergi Brebes Inovatif Details

  • Address: Desa Sidamulya RT 01 RW 03, Kec. Wanasari, Kab. Brebes, Prov. Jawa Tengah
  • Email:
  • Gmaps: Visit
  • City: Brebes
  • HP : 08562999644
  • Sosmed: Instagram Facebook