The geographical environment of Borobudur Temple is surrounded by Mount Merapi and Merbabu to the East, Mount Sindoro and Sumbing to the North, and the Menoreh mountains to the South, and is located between the Progo and Elo Rivers. Borobudur Temple was built on a modified hill, with an altitude of 265 meters above sea level. The floor plan of Borobudur Temple is 121.66 meters long and 121.38 meters wide. Height 35.40 meters. The building structure consists of 9 terraced terraces and a main stupa at the top. Consists of 6 square-planned terraces and 3 circular terraces. The vertical division philosophically includes the Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, and Arupadhatu levels. The vertical division technically includes the lower, middle, and upper parts. There are stairs going up in the four main corners with the main entrance on the east side with pradaksina. The stones of Borobudur Temple come from the rivers around Borobudur with a total volume of around 55,000 cubic meters (approximately 2,000,000 pieces of stone).