Peninggalan Sunan Prawoto

The tomb of Sunan Prawoto is located in Prawoto Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency. Sunan Prawoto was the fourth king of the Demak Sultanate who ruled in 1546-1549. Sunan Prawoto's real name was Raden Mukmin. Unlike his predecessors from Sultan Fatah to Sultan Trenggono, Sunan Prawoto was better known as a religious expert than a politician. The name Prawoto is actually the name of a region to the east of the center of Islamic power in Java in the 15th century, namely 25 km from Demak.

Peninggalan Sunan Prawoto Details

  • Address: Ds. Prawoto, Kec. Sukolilo
  • Event: Lihat Event
  • Google Maps: Visit
  • City: Pati
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