Peninggalan Sunan Jepara (Syaikh Abdul Jalil)

The tomb of Sunan Jepara is located to the west of the tombs of Queen Kalinyamat and Sultan Hadlirin. The figure of Sheikh Abdul Jalil is always associated with the figure of Sheikh Siti Jenar. Siti Jenar or Sheikh Sitibrit, or Sheikh Lemah Abang, all mean red soil. This can be connected to the color of the soil in Jepara which is also red. Red or abang in Javanese, can also be understood as a symbol of abangan, followers of Sheikh Abdul Jalil. He is considered the patron and protector of the abangan people.

Peninggalan Sunan Jepara (Syaikh Abdul Jalil) Details

  • Address: Ds. Mantingan, Kec. Tahunan
  • Event: Lihat Event
  • Google Maps: Visit
  • City: Jepara
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    Peninggalan Syaikh Jangkung
    Peninggalan Syaikh Mutamakkin
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