Peninggalan Sunan Bonang versi Rembang
The tomb of Sunan Bonang in Rembang version, is located not far from the complex of the Sunan Bonang shrine and the Tomb of Putri Campa. Sunan Bonang or Maulana Malik Ibrahim, one of the famous Walisongo figures, who died in 1525 at the age of 60, does have many versions. Sunan Bonang or Syaikh Makhdum Ibrohim is one of the nine saints who pioneered Islamic preaching in the archipelago. The son of Sunan Ampel was the teacher of Sunan Kalijogo. In addition to being known as an expert in Islamic jurisprudence, Sunan Bonang is also known as a pioneer of preaching with a local cultural approach.