Peninggalan Gedhong Ageng Jipang

The tomb of Gedhong Ageng Jipang is located in Jipang Village, Blora. This area was once the center of government of the Jipang Kingdom in the mid-14th century as part of the Majapahit Kingdom and then became a vassal (subordinate) of the Demak Kingdom or better known as the Jipang Duchy. The Jipang Duchy is a duchy with full autonomous rights, namely the right to manage its own government without having to get approval from the center of the Demak Kingdom. One of the famous Dukes is Arya Panangsang or Prince Arya Jipang. Jipang Village was also once the capital of the Demak Sultanate, when Prince Arya Jipang established himself as the 5th Sultan of Demak in 1547-1554. At that time, the capital of the Demak Sultanate which was previously in Prawata, Pati was moved to Jipang Panolan in Blora. Therefore, that era was also known as Demak Jipang.

Peninggalan Gedhong Ageng Jipang Details

  • Address: Jipang, Cepu, Jipang
  • Event: Lihat Event
  • Google Maps: Visit
  • City: Blora
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