Peninggalan Sultan Pajang (Jaka Tingkir)

The tomb of Sultan Pajang is located in Butuh Village, Sragen. This tomb is relatively quiet when compared to the tombs of other Javanese kings, such as the tomb of Sultan Fatah in the Great Mosque Complex of Demak, as well as the tomb of Panembangan Senapati in Kota Gede and the tomb of Sultan Agung in Imogiri, Yogyakarta. The name Butuh is taken from the name Ki Ageng Butuh. This name is the new name of or Ki Ageng Kebo Kenanga, the father of Raden Jaka Tingkir.

Peninggalan Sultan Pajang (Jaka Tingkir) Details

  • Address: Butuh, Gedongan, Plupuh, Dusun II, Gedongan, Plupuh
  • Event: Lihat Event
  • Google Maps: Visit
  • City: Sragen
  • Related Destinations:
  • Peninggalan Ki Ageng Selo
    Peninggalan Sunan Pojok
    Peninggalan Gedhong Ageng Jipang
    Ki Ageng Pengging
    Kebo Kenanga
    Peninggalan R. Ng. Yasadipura I dan II